Saturday, February 12, 2011

today I delivered....

today i delivered a walnut veneer armoire, 80", that had lighting and a bunch of additional stuff on the inside like a power strip, it was nice looking with some iron floral work at the top, but mostly made of particle board which I hate, so I reinforced the corners with some plywood shelf supports I found at home depot. anyways, getting off track....

(1964 thomasville furniture set I sold today)

sold: thomasville set
date/time: 2.13.11, 12:08 pm
bought: $100
sold: $300
bought date: 2.10.11
sold date: 2.13.11

also delivered a bamboo cabinet, bought 4 surfboards and another solid wood Crate and Barrel armoire. a good day all in all, but my truck is still in the shop and I wasn't able to work into the evening. oh, i also sold the thomasville set! stoked, Maria came and bought all of it. wants it delivered to Vista at 12:00 pm tomorrow, beats the hell outta the Russian couple in San Clemente that want it delivered tomorrow and didn't even put any cash down....

delivered: walnut armoire
date/time: 2.12.11, 11:08 am
bought: $60
sold: $200
bought date: 2.5.11
sold date: 2.12.11

delivered: bamboo cabinet
date/time: 2.12.11, 11:54 am
bought: $75
sold: $200
bought date: 2.10.11
sold date: 2.12.11

 a good day for furniture

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